Falling for fall break

Story and Graphic by Kaia Monaco – Assistant Editor
A new addition has been made to the schedule yet again, however, this is a change welcomed by students: Fall Break. This week-long break was introduced during the 2020-21 school year and lasts for the entire first week of November.
“I think the break was needed because I really just need a mental break from school and I’m sure others feel that way too,” Joseph Presnell, senior, said.
This year, the break is from Nov. 1 to Nov. 5, giving students a full week to relax and catch up on sleep.
“I will probably work and relax [over the break]. I know I’m going to opening night for Cinderella, which I’m excited for,” Presnell said.
However, the school won’t be completely deserted for the week, as teachers will still be at LSN Monday through Thursday. On Wednesday and Thursday, teachers are conducting parent-teacher conferences.
This is only the second time the school has had a fall break, so students who experienced a schedule without it are still trying to decide if they like it.
“I think if we have longer breaks throughout the year because of holidays, then we don’t need as long of a fall break,” Presnell said. “But if we have shorter holiday breaks, then another break should be necessary.”
School can be a very stressful thing for many students, and everyone needs breaks to take care of their mental health. Fall Break is welcomed by many students and will most likely be a part of the schedule for years to come.