A Dancing Dream

Story by Mia Fuller – Staff Reporter
Madison Grant, junior, is currently halfway through her third year as part of the Northern Stars dance team.
Although Grant has only been a part of LSN’s dance team for three years, she has been doing dance almost her whole life, first starting the sport at only two years old.
The Northern Stars just returned from a St. Louis competition where they won second place with their mixed routine, which included a jazz/lyrical section, a hip hop section, a kick section, and a pom section.
The team also won fourth place for a separate jazz/lyrical section along with a showmanship award for outstanding performance.
One thing Grant hopes to improve on for next year is her focus, which she knows she can do with the help of her team.
“It feels amazing to be working in a team environment like the one I am in. We are such a close group of girls and we are like one big happy family….. Our coaches are amazing and they are so loving and kind… They push us to be the best that we can be and I love being a part of something so special,” Grant said.
Grant encourages everyone who is interested to try out for the dance team and reminds them that dance can be whatever you want it to be.
“Don’t be scared that you might mess up because dance isn’t perfect. Nothing about dance is meant to be perfect, it never will be. Dance is an art form and art can’t be perfected,” Grant said.
The next thing up for Grant and the Northern Stars dance team is the DTU regionals on Dec. 18. Go Broncos!
Photo courtesy of The Northern Stars Dance Team