Bringing Creativity to Light

Story and Photo by Selah Wheeler – Staff Reporter
At Lee’s Summit North, there truly is something for everyone. For students that are interested in creative writing or creative visual arts, THe INK and Quill literary magazine is waiting!
“There are so many programs out there…where people put their talents in front of the school community, and that’s something that is often lacking in creative writing,” Ashley Baker, sponsor of THe INK and Quill, said.
The magazine was created to host a space for creative individuals to show off their work and have the chance to get published in a low-stress environment. The first issue of THe INK and Quill came out in May 2015, and the publication is still going strong.
“I think that creative writing is underrepresented in high schools in general. I think that is not something that is a focus in English classes,” Baker said. “Most schools don’t even have anything other than maybe a semester-long Intro to Creative Writing course, unless they are a fine arts school.”
THe INK and Quill publishes many different types of works, including poetry, short fiction, personal essays, literary snapshots, opinion pieces and visual arts such as photography or paintings. Once submitted, the team of editors works closely with the authors to give feedback, make small adjustments, and help get the piece ready for the magazine.
“I think the developmental editing is one of my favorite parts,” Baker says about the publication process. “I love to work with individual students on their pieces, and how to make those really shine.”
There are many reasons for students to submit their creative works to THe INK and Quill. It gives them the opportunity to express themselves through their pieces, gets their work out into the community, and helps to encourage young writers and artists when they see the positive feedback from their peers.
“I think that’s one of the reasons for a student individually [to submit],” Baker said. “Going through the process of presenting your work to an audience, and understanding and connecting with a reader…and also just, you know, letting them know that they are valued.”
Students who are interested in submitting to THe INK and Quill can find a link for submission through the Bronco Writers’ Circle website, which can be found in the ‘activities’ tab of the Lee’s Summit North homepage.