2022 Graduation — Steps After High School

Story by Bailee Council – Staff Reporter
As the year comes to an end, there’s a lot going on here at LSN, at the top of that list being graduation. The ceremony isn’t the only event coming up for seniors: May 5th and 6th are the senior meetings and after that on May 16th through their last day on the 18th, seniors have finals. A senior breakfast will be held in the east parking lot, and then finally on May 21, at the Children’s Mercy park, is graduation. Given 15 residential and 4 non-residential tickets, seniors will take their next steps in life after High School.
“I feel like you can never be fully prepared for life after high school until you’re living in it but I feel like I’m prepared as I can be,” Malorie Hubert, senior, said.
As the year comes to an end and seniors have more and more choices to make and goodbyes to give, it is not only an emotional time but also a memorable one. A big difference for a lot of seniors is the transition of moving off to college, no matter if it is in state or out of state, saying goodbye to family and friends is never an easy thing to do.
“While I am worried about living in Chicago because of the size, I am more concerned about the adjustment of being surrounded by my friends and family. While I know that the independence I will gain following graduation is crucially important to my growth, I will miss everyone tremendously,” Olivia Vella, senior, said.
Aside from that, there are so many things to look forward to after graduation.
“I’m ready for more independence and to just move on to the next chapter of my life,” Hubert said.
With independence comes responsibility, the inevitability of growing up. But a well-asked question as people move on to the next step in life, whether it’s graduation and going off to college or even if it’s getting a new job, is if you are prepared. Are you prepared for this next chapter of your life?
“If you would have asked me during September if I was prepared for life after high school, I would have laughed. I’ve experienced a tremendous amount of growth this year, which I think is typical for a senior in high school. The classes I’ve taken over the course of my Junior and Senior year have prepared me for college in a significant way, and they have shaped me into the person I am now. My outlook as a learner has expanded significantly,” Vella said.
The day of graduation, there’s expected to be a whirlwind of emotions — sad, happy, nervous, excitement all across the way. A lot of students at LSN have to say goodbye to people they have known for years before high school, making things especially hard.
“Graduation day is like the last day I’m going to be able to see like 80% of these people ever again so it’s going to be super sad but it’s also going to be really fun to be with all my friends and classmates that I’ve been with for 6 years,” Hubert said.
But some would say that what makes these goodbyes so hard is the amazing memories connected to these people and even connections to the school. Those friendships and bonds are what make or break an amazing high school experience.
“Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you during your senior year. Slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy your senior year,” Vella said.
Allow yourself to indulge in those little moments as everyone works their way to graduation, even when senioritis gets the best of you at times. Enjoy those moments before they aren’t available anymore.