New Beginnings

Story by Mia Fuller – Staff Reporter
With every end, there must be a new beginning.
This statement holds true to LSN’s theatre department, when this year’s season drew to a close with the Spring production of Medea, weeks later the shows and the theatre club officers were announced.
For the 22-23 season LSN will be putting on Matilda the Musical and Abigail, For Now, and with these new shows come along a whole new board of theatre club officers.
Hannah Yohe, junior, was elected to be president of the Theatre Club.
Yohe has been a part of the school’s theatre community since her freshman year.
After seeing the past work of other theatre club officers Yohe was inspired to run herself, even being this year’s social coordinator.
As president Yohe will be in charge of: setting next year’s agenda, running the monthly club meetings, keeping social media accounts up to date, and many other jobs that help keep the theatre club up and running.
When next year arrives Yohe is excited, if not a bit nervous to be the acting president of the club.
“Honestly, it feels a little scary….President is a huge role to take responsibility for. Even with this extra responsibility, I couldn’t be more excited to lead the theatre department next school year!” Yohe says.
Yohe also inspires to help everyone old and new in the theatre department feel warm and welcome.
While president is a big role in the theatre club, it is just one of the many working parts that help the theatre club run smoothly, soundly, and happily.
Another part of this working system is next year’s secretary: Elizabeth Ravasini, a sophomore.
Like Yohe, Ravasini has been a part of LSN’s theatre community since her freshmen year.
Theatre has been one of Ravasini’s passions since fourth grade, which is part of what inspired her to run.