LSN baseball begins spring training

Story & Graphic by Lily Temple – Assitant Editor
With second semester beginning, spring sports are starting to be on people’s minds. Baseball started spring training last week, on January 9th.
“Spring Training is when our LSN Baseball program starts offering open gym and/or workout days for student-athletes to come in and get ready for the upcoming Spring Sports season. All current LSN students are eligible to come to our Spring Training sessions. Obviously, we are specifically looking for anyone and everyone that is interested in trying out for the LSN Baseball program this spring,” Josh Keeney, silver team coach, said.
Other sports offer different conditioning opportunities as well so what makes baseball’s spring training unique?
“We do a variety of things at Spring Training. We focus on proper mechanics, strength training, and building stamina. One of the big points of emphasis is strengthening our arms. When our spring season begins, players will be asked to throw nearly every single day in some capacity. In order to prepare for that kind of workload, we ask that players begin that process of acclimating their body now during Spring Training instead of waiting until the week of tryouts,” Keeney said.
It can be very intimidating to walk into tryouts not knowing what to expect, what the coaches are like, and who your teammates are. Baseball spring training is a great way to get to know all of those things and develop a relationship with the coaches before season even begins.
“If anyone is interested in baseball that isn’t attending Spring Training, please consider coming to work with us! Specific times and dates can be found by contacting Head Coach Westacott,” Keeney said.