Summer School Registration Has Begun

Story & Graphic by Areesa Steele – Social Media Editor
An important part of the end of a school year is signing up for summer school classes. Most students take their summer school classes so they can get credits out of the way for graduation. Summer school starts early in the summer so students can get it out of the way, as well as in the middle of summer.
“Summer school starts on May 30: Session 1- May 30 through June 15 Session 2- June 16 through July 7,” John Stone, counselor, said.
Summer school offers a variety of classes for students. This includes online and in-person classes. Students are allowed to take up to three classes for summer school. You can take both sessions of summer school to earn full credit for a class.
“You can take up to three classes in summer school, but at least one would need to be online if you take three,” Stone said.
To sign up for summer school you need to go to your PowerSchool and on the left side there is an icon that says summer school registration. To see the classes they offer for summer school you will need to go to the summer school website. This year summer school will be held at Lees Summit West. There are two windows to signup for summer school. The first window closes March 24th. The second window opens April 3rd and closes May 19th. To get your credits finished before your graduation year, sign up for summer school.