They are the Champions

Story & Graphic by Mia Fuller – News Editor
As the world around us continues to develop and advance, more opportunities arise for students to develop their skills and discover new passions. E-SPORTS is one of the clubs that have burgeoned onto the scene within the past couple of years. E-SPORTS provides students with the opportunity to work, collaborate, and compete together on the same team through a variety of online games. The team plays Rocket League in the Fall and the team just wrapped up playing Halo for their Winter Season. The team comprised of: Sam Bailey, Nick Bailey, Ayden Nichols, and Xander McKie won the State Championship and pulled off the miraculous feet of having an undefeated season, ending with a 36-0 record.
Xander Mckie, senior, reflects on their time in Esports, having been a member since sophomore year, “My favorite thing about esports is how well it brings different groups of people together,” McKie said.
The next steps for the E-SPORTS team is when they start playing Valorant for the Spring season, but until then it is important to congratulate the E-SPORTS team. They were not only able to complete the first-ever E-SPORTS state championship at LSN, they blew all the competition away with their perfect record. Throughout their run on the E-SPORTS team Mckie appreciated the chance to work closely with their friends and to challenge themselves competing against other schools.
Mckie believes E-SPORTS is a chance for people to not only work closely with friends but also develop useful real-life skills, “E-SPORTS is one of the most fun and competitive activities available and also provides you with a lot of team-oriented skills that will benefit you long-term,” McKie said.