Downtown Lee’s Summit Farmers Market

Story by Kate Gerding – Staff Reporter
The Lee’s Summit Farmers Market is reopening for the spring/summer season on Saturday, April 15th. Located off 2nd and Douglas Street, vendors from all over the city will set up stands with things like produce, baked goods, and crafts. This year, Mr. Russell, librarian, and Mrs. Russell, English teacher, are planning on having a stand at the market for the first time.
“We’ll have things like chives, radishes, lots of different kinds of lettuce, hopefully, if the weather’s good, and then we’ll move into a lot of peppers like jalapenos, hot peppers, bell peppers, cucumbers, squash, just lots of stuff,” Mr. Russell said.
Besides the actual growing part of the process, there are several requirements for farmers and potential vendors.
“We saw an article in the Kansas City Star that they were looking for applicants … so you fill out the paperwork…mail it to the Downtown LS Merchants Association, and they have a selection committee,” Mr. Russell said.
The farmers market has been a Lee’s Summit tradition for a while now.
“This is our first year of actually doing a stand, but we have been to this farmers market from the time [our son] was a baby,” Mr. Russell said.
The Farmers Market is a great way to support local and be sure to stop by to see Mr. and Mrs. Russell.
Photo Courtesy of Mr. Russell