Boys Tennis Season is Underway

Story by Areesa Steele – Social Media Editor
Since the boys tennis season has started, they have been able to build their ladder [their ranking on the team] to see where each player is at. The top player on the ladder this year is Maxon Chen. This is his first year playing for the North tennis team since he is a freshman.
“It’s pretty cool being number one and I feel like there isn’t as much expectation as it would be if I was older,” Maxon Chen, freshman, said.
To get prepared for the season Chen plays all year round. He also participates in many different tournaments outside of school.
“I play two or three times a month but more in the summer,” Chen said.
As the season goes on, matches get harder. Each school that they play against has different players and you never know how the matches will go. To better prepare for the school tennis season, Chen puts in the work.
“In the summer I practice every day but during the school year it’s three out of the five days,” Chen said.
With the Colbern Cup out of the way, the tennis team still has more matches coming up. The Colbern Cup is a great way to get people together to support a sport that many people love. For Chen, the Colbern Cup was his favorite match. For the boys season, the tennis team took home the Colbern Cup trophy.
Photo by Abby Langle
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