Track season has begun

Story by Kaia Monaco – Assistant Editor

As the seasons begin to change from winter to spring, the school sports change along with them. Winter sports are out and spring sports are in, including track and field. However, track and

Another New Club: Boys Volleyball

Story & Photo by Emma Brents – Staff Reporter


Last week during Bronco Time, multiple boys went to Coach Hoffman to get information about a brand new club North is starting. This new club is the Boy’s Volleyball Club

STA Innovation For Our Future

Story by Giorgia Risoldi – Staff Reporter

Summit Technology Academy (STA) is an innovative and advanced experience that prepares high school juniors and seniors for college and career success. 

   “STA offers opportunities for students to obtain dual credit and receive

One last time

Story by Abby Langle – Editor-in-Chief


Friday, February 18th was Coach Mike Hilbert’s last home basketball game as a Lee’s Summit North Bronco. The Broncos played Lee’s Summit West. Although they were beaten by the Titans, it was a

The End of the Road

Story and Photo by Mia Fuller – Staff Reporter

 As the end of the school year is getting closer and closer, relatively speaking, so are the exams for the seniors enrolled in an International Baccalaureate (IB) class. Two seniors, Caitriona

Nerf-War Tradition Continues at LSN

Story By Areesa Steele – Staff Reporter


The LSN Nerf War is a way for students to get connected with each other and have fun. Many students choose to participate in it each year. Every team needs to have,

Baseball Begins for 2022

Story and Photo by Lily Temple – Assistant Editor


 February 28th marks the beginning of the 2022 boys baseball season. Tryouts begin early in the morning on Monday and go on through Friday. Final cuts will occur on Saturday

Students Select Courses For Next Year

Story and Graphic by Mia Gatti – Entertainment/Feature Editor


The 2021-2022 school year is coming close to an end, and it is enrollment time. Most students do not like this process. It is hard for students when they don’t

Bags for Bucks: Fundraising for Project Grad

Story and Photo by Selah Wheeler – Staff Reporter


 As most know, the Class of 2022 graduation will be held on Saturday, May 21st at Children’s Mercy Park. Directly after this is an event called “Project Graduation”, which has

Who is Mr. Kasten?

Story and Photo by Bailee Council – Staff Reporter


   Lee’s Summit North has had many amazing teachers throughout the building and the years. But for the past two years, Seth Kasten has been a common favorite among many students.