An Adventure to Europe

Story by Giorgia Risoldi – Staff Reporter

   Dr. Michele Branch, a Lee’s Summit North English teacher, organized a school trip to Europe that was supposed to be during spring break. Unfortunately, due to many unforeseen issues, the trip was canceled. 

The Shortino Family in LSR7

Story by Areesa Steele – Staff Reporter


The Shortino family spreads throughout the LSR7 district. Right now, there are three Shortino’s that are staff members of LSN: Mandy, Ryan, and Matthew Shortino. The resemblance between both of the brothers

NHS Blood Drive

Story and Photo by Lily Temple – Assistant Editor

   February 23rd…a day to save lives. This year on Feb. 23, the National Honor Society (NHS) will be hosting its annual blood drive, but this year, it is more important than

Chiefs’ Season Sadly Complete

Story and Graphic by Mia Gatti – Entertainment/Feature Editor


The Kansas City Chiefs had an eventful season with many ups and downs. They started off with a rough couple of games,  losing a few in a row, but this

Robotics Team at LSN

Story by Talon Cleveland – Staff Reporter

The robotics team has been at LSN since the school year 2006-2007. Robotics team is currently sponsored by Lynn Griffith. 

   “When I started at LSN  in the fall of 2007, I was

Growing a Mindset of Leadership

Story by Selah Wheeler – Staff Reporter

 Are you a student who wants to get involved? Do you love opportunities to practice leadership, give back to your community, and spend time with like-minded individuals? Then there’s a club for you!