Costume Crew Moves Toward the Opening Day

Story by Bailee Council – Entertainment Editor

  For the last two weeks, parts of the theater, and crew started to work and prepare for the upcoming play on Matilda, it will be shown October 28-29 at 7 pm, October 30

Softball Players are Hard at Work

Story & Photo by Kate Gerding- Staff Reporter

   Softball season is in full swing. It is already halfway through, but the players are still going strong. May McCoy, a senior on the team, shares her experience with the team this

New Hilbert in The Building

Story & Photo by Abby Langle – Editor-in-Chief

 The last name Hilbert might sound familiar to you if this is not your first year at Lee’s Summit North. Long-time LSN teacher and Coach Michael Hilbert retired at the end of

Dusting Off the Curtains

Story & Photo by Mia Fuller – News Editor

Autumn is here. Leaves are falling, pumpkin spice has returned to Starbucks Cafes across America, and the curtains are being dusted off for LSN’s fall musical: Matilda. While the cast

Student Takes Yearly Visit to Oktoberfest

Story by Abbey Euritt – Staff Reporter

 As September rolls around, students, and residents of Lee’s Summit make the outing to the yearly two-day event of Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is held in downtown Lee’s Summit and is a favorite for many

Homecoming Parade in Downtown Lee’s Summit

Story by Mia Gatti – Sports/Feature Editor

  The 2022 Homecoming parade was a success. All of the activities, sports, clubs etc., were involved in this fun celebration. All of the activity floats lined up in downtown Lee’s Summit at 4p.m.

Homecoming Spirit Week 9/19 – 9/23

Story & Graphic by Mia Gatti – Sports/Feature Editor

 Spirit Week is finally here bringing in the Homecoming weekend. Spirit week starts on Monday, September 19th. The Homecoming theme is “Once Upon A Time,” starting with Monday being “Sleeping Beauty,”